Saturday, August 13, 2011

BWP(8): Step 4 The Notebook

Graph paper becomes the working pages of your brick wall demolition. When this protocol was first written, there was available the "Neatbook" notebook by Mead. This notebook has been discontinued and there has been multiple types of graph paper replacements. You will need to recognize this change in the protocol since I wrote it when the "Neatbook" was available.

The methods would basically be the same, depending on the type of graph paper you are able to purchase. Wal-Mart has changed their selections three times! At least 80 sheets are needed. Some come in 100 sheets. At any rate, you will need to make some changes in the "nitty-gritty" as you work through the methods section.

At this point you will need to get some graph paper.


  1. I'm looking forward to following your brickwall steps. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I am anticipating the use of your process in finding the parents of my husbands great-grandmother. I know their names but have not been able to identify them in the census of the 1800's in Armstrong County PA.

    In Armstrong County Their name, Bowser, is as common as Jones.

  3. Please let me know how you are doing using the protocol. Feel free to make any suggestions.
