Thursday, August 25, 2011

BWP(19): Squares and Circles - A Method

As the tree limbs get thicker, and the branches get longer, the number of folks involved in the family greatly multiply. A coding system has been introduced to help separate, and keep all these folks identified. The following figure shows a way to get the family tree organized.

I have called the method "Squares and Circles". It uses the same graph paper you already know, and places the family tree in a "big picture". [I always had trouble visualizing the family using the standard genealogy forms.]

This is presented in my blog:

The figure to the right shows a six generation branch of my family tree. The coding system is shown, along with a way documentation can be handled. The references which document these family members are placed near the square (male), or circle (female). A separate reference page records the documents.

Give it a try. Questions?

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