7 July 2010 - The Jones Genealogist : http://thejonesgenealogist.blogspot.com
This blog tells the story of my beginning to this infection called genealogy. [Started at age 9]
30 July 2010 - The Jones Surname : http://thejonessurname.blogspot.com
Telling the story of my own surname [shared by so many] is the goal of this blog. Some 53
years of research is organized into the posts.
8 August 2010 - GE-NE-AL-O-GY 101 : http://ge-ne-al-o-gy101.blogspot.com
Using my own research methods, this blog describes how one might begin their own tree
22 August 2010 - GE-NE-AL-O-GY 201 : http://ge-ne-al-o-gy201.blogspot.com
Starting with 5 generations (ancestor defined here) the second stage of research.
[This blog does not included the internet!] How us old folks use to climb trees in the dark
4 September 2010 - GE-NE-AL-O-GY 301 : http:ge-ne-al-o-gy301.blogspot.com
Time travel of course.
13 December 2010 - Welsh Genealogy : http://welshgenealogy.blogspot.com
Helping those of Welsh descent to get around in the world of genealogy is the purpose of this
blog. Welsh history and culture is included.
This is for the year 2010. I will try and list the remaining blogs chronologically in the next few post. Happy 5th Year Anniversary.