Brick walls are everywhere. No matter who you are, where you are, and how long you have been doing this thing called genealogy, you will run into them along the way. Sharing experiences and what has helped get around, or through, or over, or under these things we call brick walls, is a way to pass on to other genealogist what we have learned. I thought it might be useful for others who have learned methods or techniques, or tools, to share their thoughts.
The comment section of the blogs allows one to put their thoughts into words. For those reading this post, please comment any thoughts you might have to share along this tree climbing experience that has help you face those brick walls. Others can then respond to your thoughts or suggestions which can then expand the ideas expressed. Let's get going...I know there are lots of folks out there with a few lumps on their genealogical heads from running into those brick walls. Add your thoughts.